Summer of Strawberries

It’s berry season and we couldn’t be happier. Strawberries are the first sign that summer has arrived and we say goodbye to winter root vegetables.
Strawberries, like most fruit, are best eaten right after (or during) picking, however, there are plenty of ways to enjoy leftover berries that are losing their firmness.
We buy fresh berries by the case at our local farmers’ market which allows us to eat the berries immediately, and with the help of Abeego, stretch the short, tasty season further.
Here’s how to enjoy the summer abundance and enjoy berries throughout every stage of their ripeness.
Day 1 | Eat ‘Em...Even the Leaves
On the way home from the market, no need to toss the stem. Pop the whole berry, stem and all, into your mouth. Strawberry leaves contain iron, calcium and vitamin C, making them a healthy addition to your berry.

Once home, keep your berries fresh by covering the entire container with a large Abeego. Leave them on your counter to snack on all day long.
Day 2 | Do the Twist -- How to hull Strawberries
Strawberry leaves and stems get bitter over time. The day after you pick your berries, it’s best to remove the stems. Before you reach for the knife, try our twist method to keep as much of the fruit as possible.
The Abeego Method: Hull a Strawberry
- Hold your berry firmly
- Pinch the very base of leaves toward the center of the berry. Be sure to get as close as you can to the fruit, or when you twist the core won’t pop out.
- Twist.
The strawberry core pops out leaving only delicious fruit.

Hulled strawberries are perfect sliced up in a salad, delicious in a strawberry salsa or our personal favorite, strawberries and cream made with homemade almond milk. YUM!
To keep your berries fresh after the stems are removed, place berries in a bowl and cover with Abeego beeswax wraps and store in the fridge.
Day 3 | Crush ‘Em!
By day three berries start to wilt and lose their firmness. These berries are great for making jam, putting in smoothies, but our personal favorite is crushed berries served over locally-made ice cream.

Crushed strawberries make a delicious summer treat and are a great way to get kids into the kitchen.
Place your strawberries in a bowl and using your hands crush the strawberries to your desired consistency. Mix in a little sugar, cover with a large Abeego and let sit in the fridge for 2-3 hours stirring occasionally. Spoon over locally made ice cream.
Crushed berries can stay in the fridge for up to 3 days (if they last that long!) and can be stored in a bowl covered with an Abeego wrap. You can also place the mixture in a mason jar and freeze for another day!

What's your favorite way to eat strawberries?
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