3 Facts that Prove Breathable Food Wrap is Better Than Airtight

Fresh food is alive. Its lifespan extends way beyond the moment it’s picked, plucked or harvested. It ripens, ages and eventually wrinkles and withers, just like us! And just like us, if given the opportunity it can age gracefully, landing on our plate instead of in the compost heap.
In order for us to keep fresh food out of the compost we need to understand it better.
Here are 3 facts about fresh food that prove a breathable wrap beats an airtight one:
1. Every Skin, Peel and Rind Developed by Nature Breathes.
Lemon and avocado peels, onion and garlic skins, cheese or melon rinds all breathe, without exception. They allow gas to permeate the barrier while protecting the flesh from direct contact with air and moisture. Lemons hang from the tree for weeks, onions sit in a cold room for months and cheese lives in a cave for years. If nature had led the teams developing plastic food wrap you can be 100% certain she would’ve made it breathe like Abeego!
Honestly, it feels like we can stop right here but in case you’re still not convinced here are two more sciency reasons.
2. Fruits, Vegetables and Greens Respire after Being Picked.
Without getting too technical, respiration uses oxygen and releases energy stored in the plant's carbohydrates. This process produces carbon dioxide, heat and water. In airtight environments like plastic wrap, this natural process results in condensation which causes food to spoil. However in a breathable, vapour permeable environment like Abeego, the carbon dioxide escapes rather than turning into trapped excess moisture, extending the life of fresh food inside.
3. Harvested Fruit, Vegetables and Greens Continue to Transpire.
In transpiration, water evaporates into the air from the surface of a plant and is replaced by water taken up by the roots. So when the plant has been harvested, it cannot replace the expelled water leading to shrinking, shriveling, and wilting. The rate of transpiration increases without a protective barrier. Airtight environments promote condensation and spoilage-causing-microorganisms leading to rotten food. If the fresh food is protected with a breathable food wrap with an antibacterial formula like Abeego, it’s more likely to slowly dry than rot.
How can we be so sure breathable is the way?
Living and breathing Abeego for the past 16 years has altered our understanding of fresh food forever. It’s become glaringly obvious that airtight plastic kills fresh food. What feels like normal food loss, rot and waste is not normal at all, in fact it’s often preventable.
With almost two decades of anecdotal evidence proving Abeego’s effectiveness over airtight wrap, combined with the science behind how fresh food naturally behaves once it has been picked, plucked and harvested, it’s clear there’s an undeniable link between fresh food and breathable food storage.
We like to put it to people simply: What would happen if I wrapped you head to toe in plastic wrap? This rhetorical question applies to food because, like us, it’s alive!
Join us in our Test Kitchen as we prove Abeego extends the life of fresh food:
Cauliflower - Abeego vs Unwrapped
Lemons - Abeego vs Plastic
Cucumber - Abeego vs Unwrapped
Leafy Greens - Abeego vs Unwrapped

Take the avocado challenge! Cut a ripe avocado in half. Eat one, and wrap the other with the pit in.
- Store in the fridge, pit side up!
- Ready to eat? First, check its vitals: how does it look, smell, taste?
- Give us the details—good or bad— tag us @abeego. How many days was it stored in Abeego? What were you expecting vs what happened?
This bundle includes 11 wraps in 4 sizes, so you can save everything from a cut avocado to covering an entire leftover casserole. Unwrap the freshest food every day, promise.
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