How to Celebrate Earth Day 2021

Abeego came to life upon five ground rules. One of which being that every ingredient had to be all natural and in its natural state. Meaning, nothing is doctored and nothing altered. All of our beeswax food wrap ingredients come right from the earth and return to it at the end of their life. Without a trace.
In between its fruition and biodegradation, Abeego serves as a reusable food-saving wrap for at least a year - helping us foster a deeper connection with and understanding of the bounty of food Mother Nature so generously provides.
Through every stage of its journey, Abeego is grounded in nature.
We, too, are grounded in nature because, well, we ARE nature. When we connect with our environment on an intimate level, we’re reminded that we have the power to make a positive impact on the earth and, in turn, ourselves.
Seriously, try it. Here are four ways to reignite the intimacy between ourselves and the natural world.

Few things are more rewarding than creating a meal comprised entirely of the bounty from your own garden. Sauntering outside to harvest your smoothie’s spinach, your dinner’s dill, or your cocktail’s cucumber offers a true sense of connection to and reciprocity with nature.
No yard? Start with a basil or cilantro plant in your window sill. Lacking a green thumb? We’ve put together a Beginner’s Guide to Gardening to sprout inspiration.
With many of us planning on staying closer to home this summer and exploring what our own backyard has to offer, camping is an activity we can do at the peak of a mountain, the valley of a desert, or quite literally, right in our own backyard. Immerse yourself in nature and check out our team’s top 5 tips for using Abeego in the great outdoors.
The circular economy emphasizes the importance of regenerating over extracting. It’s time to forget sustaining and start rebuilding our world. Abeego Founder & CEO, Toni, saves the seed of at least one plant a year with her daughter. It’s one simple act that allows them to contribute to a circular economy in a tiny way that’s amplified exponentially. While it closes one season, it’s the first chapter of the next. Learn more about how to save snap pea seeds.
Our #1 tip to prolong the life of food? Abeego it. Graciously wrap mother nature’s food in Abeego to help it live its best life until you’re ready to eat it. Use the Small to enjoy avocado for days, the Giant to devour stalks of celery for weeks, and the Medium and Large for all foods in between.
Want to preserve food for months on end? We asked the experts for their top tips to preserve your garden harvest.
Let’s take today as an opportunity to respect and cherish this harmonious relationship we have with nature. It is, after all, what Earth day is all about.
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