Saving Seeds | A Simple Preservation Habit that Thanks Nature

Saving Seeds | A Simple Preservation Habit that Thanks Nature


Every autumn, as the weather cools we pull on our cozy sweaters and prepare to give thanks for the year's harvest. We cook a beautiful meal, share it with people we love and feast until our pants have to be unbuttoned (not my proudest moment). It's arguably the most spectacular meal of the entire year and an incredible way to thank nature for another nourishing season. 

It's also the time of year when the summer plants offer their seeds. We're reminded that harvest actually kicks off the next growing season and to truly show our gratitude we need to consider seeds for what they are. Food.


saving arugula seeds beeswax wrap abeego


This year, we grew the best arugula. Seriously, it was perfect, bright green leaves that were equal parts crisp, dense and with a spicy kick. When the plants graciously offered their seeds we saved them. 


saving arugula seeds beeswax wrap abeego


saving arugula seeds beeswax wrap abeego


saving arugula seeds beeswax wrap abeego


Saving the arugula seeds allowed our family to truly give thanks for the bounty of the growing season and ensure next year's is great too.


Happy Thanksgiving from The Hive,

Toni Desrosiers



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