Chapter 8: Plastic Wrap, Are You Hiring?

Update: Is Abeego closing? TBD. Read my update here.
In my last chapter I mentioned I plan to tackle the broken food system, beyond Abeego Food Wrap in an effort to Keep Food Alive.
Let’s dig into one way I could do that - working for the devil itself: plastic wrap.
A bit of background: food waste isn’t the problem you think it is. I swear on the 3 week old lettuce tucked in the back of my fridge. Based on everything I’ve learned from Abeego I believe wholeheartedly that food waste is a symptom of a problem and the problem is the mistaken belief that airtight plastic keeps living food fresh. And who can we thank for this big fat mistake? The plastic industry.
And the worst part? They still believe it to be true and even if their teams have started to question the validity of airtight plastic for fresh living food I’m betting they aren’t quite sure how to walk back on a promise they’ve shoved down our throats for 70 years. A claim that has influenced literally every inch of the food supply chain, a claim that’s killing living produce by the truckload.
So here’s what I want to know. Who wants the competitive edge? Which one of the plastic giants wants to publicly eat their hat and tell the story of how they accidentally got fresh food preservation all wrong? Saran for inventing it or Glad and everyone else for copying it? Because it’s the story of our lifetime and only one of them gets to tell it first.
Hey Plastic Wrap Giants. Hire me! We CAN fix this mistake and it’ll only hurt a little bit. I know how to explain exactly how you made a colossal but truly honest mistake and in the end you’ll be the hero and the industry leader in a shared effort to Keep Food Alive.
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