Chapter 2: I Promise to Keep Food Alive

Update: Is Abeego closing? TBD. Read my update here.
I’m the kind of gal that keeps her promise and so Abeego is the kind of brand that keeps its promise but keeping its promise is getting harder and harder every single day.
I set out to Keep Food Alive.
Over the past 17 years there have been many innovations when it comes to delivering fresh food to your kitchen and all along the supply chain fresh food is being treated, handled, transported and packaged in ways that support its sale rather than its life.
It's being chilled to death, drowned under misters, propped up in pails of water, bathed in chemicals, or gassed, sealed and suffocated in plastic. So, fresh food is less than alive when it arrives in your kitchen. As hard as Abeego works, it can’t resurrect the walking dead.
This puts me between a rock and hard place. I promise Abeego keeps fresh food for what feels like forever. I promise it ends fresh food waste in the home kitchen. I promise it will Keep Food Alive.
But with every new “innovation” that hits the market, my promise means less and less because the very food I promise to keep alive has a slimmer chance of survival.
I haven’t just made Abeego for 17 years, I’ve studied fresh food from every possible angle. I’ve studied home grown, farmer sourced, grocery selected. I’ve studied it in Abeego, in plastic, naked; and I’ve watched it live and die in all these environments. I’m positive food waste isn’t a real problem, it's the symptom of a problem.
I have a big discovery in me and I have Abeego to thank for illuminating the opportunity for me.
I set out to Keep Food Alive and that’s just what I’m going to do.
Abeego is closing and this is just another reason it’s a smart decision.
Stay tuned for the next one.
Toni Desrosiers
Founder & Inventor
Next: Chapter 3
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